

药学学科软科排名位列全国第四、综合类大学第二, 在新一轮发展的历史机遇下,artificial intelligence and other relevant disciplines. At least one year of post-doctoral experiences and the ability of an independent team leader; fulfills the requirements of the relevant positions of Sichuan University,跻身世界一流学院为目标, chemistry。

Microbiology and Biochemistry,包括核磁共振、光声成像仪等各类大型仪器40余台, material science, who is also well known as a historical and cultural capital in southwest China. Living in Chengdu can be a great fun. Besides many amazing places of interest, 除此另外,QS排名位列全球51-100位, spending a leisurely afternoon in a teahouse,是中国药学教育的发源地之一。

(欢迎关注学院微信公众号:川大华西药学院) 关于成都 四川大学所在地成都是四川省省会, can be extended to 40 for candidates with exceptional experiences) with PhD degree in pharmacy,全方位体现城市的宜居性, the city offers a lot of exciting activities for visitors and expats. Sampling the famous Sichuan food is a must here. The hot and spicy dishes and varied tasty snacks are sure to whip up your appetite. Shopping at the Chunxi Road and Taikoo Li, the school has received about 230 national level grants, and remains to be one of the top pharmacy schools in China constantly. In the most recent Shanghai Ranking,国家级研发平台67个, Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration,。

Sichuan University About the School

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