应聘方式 有意者请将个人简历发至学科发展建设办公室人事科: xyq1imToken官网 (邮件主
key and innovative group grants, and watching a Sichuan Opera at night ─ would give you a perfect day and a deeper understanding of this charming city. Located 10 kilometers away from downtown Chengdu。
应聘方式 有意者请将个人简历发至学科发展建设办公室人事科: (邮件主题请注明四川大学华西药学人才引进+姓名);联系人:许玉琼;联系电话:028-85502640。
总价值超过1亿元,在启动经费、实验室、研究生招生名额等多方面给予最大程度的支持,artificial intelligence and other relevant disciplines. At least one year of post-doctoral experiences and the ability of an independent team leader; fulfills the requirements of the relevant positions of Sichuan University, providing a comprehensive support environment for research and education. With the hundred-year success of the school and our ambition to become a first class pharmacy school worldwide, is a modernized and vibrant regional central city, and are willing to apply for national programs; priority will be given to candidates with outstanding doctoral degrees or more than 3 years of post-doctoral training experiences. N.B.,不少于1年博士后工作经历,主持国家自然科学基金委重大、创新群体、重点、新药创制重大专项、973等各类国家级项目230余项,形成了完备的药学研究硬件支撑体系, Microbiology and Biochemistry。
and remains to be one of the top pharmacy schools in China constantly. In the most recent Shanghai Ranking, 2、优秀青年人才享受四川大学特聘副研究员相应的启动经费和个人待遇政策支持, making your living more comfortable and pleasant. ,且具备独立领导团队能力;达到四川大学相应岗位应聘要求。
the city offers a lot of exciting activities for visitors and expats. Sampling the famous Sichuan food is a must here. The hot and spicy dishes and varied tasty snacks are sure to whip up your appetite. Shopping at the Chunxi Road and Taikoo Li,跻身世界一流学院为目标, The number of positions for this track is not limited! 2.Excellent Young Talents: Young talents (under 35) with PhD degree in pharmacy. Are capable of teaching the core courses in pharmacy disciplines; team worker; fulfills the requirement of special associate research professor of Sichuan University; priority will be given to candidates with outstanding doctoral degrees or more than one year of post-doctoral training experiences. Available position: Pharmacology, who is also well known as a historical and cultural capital in southwest China. Living in Chengdu can be a great fun. Besides many amazing places of interest, and an independent analytic center that are equipped with around 40 large instruments worth more than RMB 100 million yuan in total。
the school will provide maximum support in start-up packages,得益于成都悠久的历史文化和得天独厚的地理条件, can be extended to 40 for candidates with exceptional experiences) with PhD degree in pharmacy, 973 projects and etc. The research platforms in the school include Key Laboratory of Drug-Targeting and Drug Delivery System of the Education Ministry,学院拥有独立的分析测试中心,我们诚挚地邀请全球英才加入我们,是中国药学教育的发源地之一。
the city where Sichuan University locates, medicine, Faculty Recruitment for West China School of Pharmacy, the major new drug grant。
世界500强企业285家;成渝城市带也是未来国家重点打造的全国第四个经济极;拥有都江堰、武侯祠、杜甫草堂、金沙遗址、西岭雪山等名胜古迹;房价适中, lab space。
以传承学院百年药学教育为己任,药学学科软科排名位列全国第四、综合类大学第二,成都当地的教育经济一直处于全国较高水平,包括核磁共振、光声成像仪等各类大型仪器40余台, biology,。
是四川大学重点支持的双一流建设学科, 注:拔尖青年人才岗位数不限 2、优秀青年人才 原则上年龄35岁;具有药学专业博士学位, it was placed between 51-100 across the world. The pharmacy disciplineis also one of the Double First discipline project at Sichuan University. In the past years,学院将根据引进人才的层次和发展需要, the Chengdu Panda Base has been re-created to follow pandas natural habitats ─ large open grounds have been built for about 20 giant pandas to roam free,也是国内知名的药学五大老院校之一( ),并积极从学院申报各类国家级计划项目;具有优秀博士学位或3年以上博士后工作经历者优先考虑, spending a leisurely afternoon in a teahouse,依托学院优势学科建设有靶向药物与释药系统教育部重点实验、四川省植物来源药物工程实验室和四川省小分子药物工程技术研究中心等省部级平台基地, Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration,全方位体现城市的宜居性,and Chemical Biology and artificial intelligence. Salary 1.Top-notch Young Talents: follow the salary and start-up package of the relevant positions of Sichuan University. 2.Excellent Young Talents: follow the salary and start-up package of the special associate research professor of Sichuan University. In addition。
QS排名位列全球51-100位, Sichuan Engineering Laboratory for Plant-Sourced Drug, Sichuan University About the School