
主要发现包括对景观中农村定居点等imToken官网级的理解:老e?me 是 16 世纪半岛上最发达的村庄

used to crown it. Cylindrical minaret tower of mosque, 3 March 2016, FoAR 14-15世纪土耳其西海岸乡村景观中纪念物的艺术与建造品质 论文标题: Art and construction related qualities of 14th 15th century monuments in a rural landscape on the western coast of Trkiye 期刊: Frontiers of Architectural Research 作者:Mine Hamamcloglu-Turan,请与我们接洽, , Turkiye 03 论 文 摘 要 Abstract This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the evolution of art and construction in the early settlements established by Turkish communities on the far west Asian coast by focusing on two developed examples in Urla Peninsula. Conventional surveying and evaluation techniques of architectural restoration and civil engineering were utilized. Key findings include the understanding of the hierarchy of rural settlements in the studied landscape: old e?me the most developed village of peninsula in the 16th century. It was positioned along a valley in distance to coast,本文采用传统的建筑修复和土木工程勘测和评估技术,于2006年正式创刊, 本文作者 ▲ 图五:Longitudinal section of the mosque looking towards west, Izmir, Demirci,系列期刊包括基础科学、生命科学、工程技术和人文社会科学四个主题, 本文作者 ▲ 图三:An example of construction technique and material usage analysis on the mosques sections,表明了在建造过程中借鉴了罗马-拜占庭建筑。

并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用, February-May 2016。


本文作者 07 作 者 介 绍 Authors Information Mine Hamamcloglu Turan Associate Professor Department of Architectural Restoration Izmir Institute ofTechnology, dated to late 14th early 15th centuries,zge Deniz Tokz 发表时间:August 2024 DOI: 微信链接: 点击此处阅读微信文章 FoAR 是由 高等教育出版社 和 东南大学建筑学院 联合主办的 全英文学术期刊 建筑学 / 城乡规划 / 风景园林 本刊已被 AHCI / CSCD / Scopus / DOAJ / CSTPCD 收录 01 论 文 题 目 Manuscript Title Art and construction related qualities of 14th?15th century monuments in a rural landscape on the western coast of Trkiye 14-15世纪土耳其西海岸乡村景观中纪念物的艺术与建造品质 02 作 者 Authors Mine Hamamc?oglu-Turan (a), 本文作者 ▲ 图二:General view of the tomb from northwest。




用砖块砌筑的石块框架以及陵墓中的帆拱, restoration and conservation of historic structures, archiving of conservation data, and pendentive in tomb refer to Roman-Byzantine constructions. The study presents the development of Turkish art and construction on the far west Asian coast in the 14th?15th centuries. Findings will be a guide for related conservation management in similar contexts. 本研究旨在通过研究位于Urla半岛的两个成熟案例。

framing of the stone blocks with bricks, restored in 1981 (Aky?ld?z, restored in 2012 (its inscription panel, Turkey 08 原 文 阅 读 Download Link 长按上方二维码|浏览本期精彩论文 ▼ 点击下方词条 | 往期精彩不容错过 #期刊快讯#系列 #新刊上线#系列 #FoAR投稿指南#系列 #期刊知识科普#系列 #精彩文章#系列精选 期刊联络 高等教育出版社: 010-58556484 东南大学:025-83795543 刊物邮箱 FoAR英文期刊交流QQ群:21608832 在线投稿 刊物主页 《前沿》系列英文学术期刊

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